We are here and always ready to help you. Let us know how we serve you and we’ll get back within no time.
Select Diagnostic ServicesRadiology DepartmentBreast Care CenterNuclear MedicineThyroidPulmonaryGastrointestinalHepatobiliaryBoneBone Densitometry / DxaBlood TestsEye CenterEnt CenterEarsThroatElectroencephalography (Eeg)Electromyography (Emg)Non-Invasive Cardiovascular LaboratoryOb Ultrasound SectionCenter For Respiratory MedicineRehabilitation MedicineStone Center [group radiology-department clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—CTSCANGeneral UltrasoundMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) [/group]
[group bc-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—MammographySonomammography [/group]
[group thyroid-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Iodine 131 Whole Body ScanRadioactive iodine 131 therapy (RAI)Radioactive iodine 131 uptake (RAIU)Thyroid scan using Tc99m Pertechnetate [/group]
[group pulmonary-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Iodine 131 Whole Body ScanRadioactive iodine 131 therapy (RAI)Radioactive iodine 131 uptake (RAIU)Thyroid scan using Tc99m Pertechnetate [/group]
[group gastrointestinal-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Meckel’s Diverticulum imagingUpper and Lower GI bleeding scan [/group]
[group hepatobiliary-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Biliary (HIDA) scanLiver / spleen scan [/group]
[group bone-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Bone SPECT-CTParathyroid ScintigraphyScintimammographyThree Phase Bone ScanWhole Body Bone Scan [/group]
[group bloodtest-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Anti-Thyroglobulin / Anti-TG (RIA)Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase / Anti-TPO (RIA)CA 125 (IRMA)Cortisol (RIA)Estradiol (RIA)Follicle Stimulating Hormone / FSH (RIA)Free Prostate Specific Antigen / FPSA (IRMA)Free T3 (RIA)Free T4 (RIA)Insulin (RIA)Intact Parathyroid Hormone / PTH (RIA)Luteinizing Hormone / LH (RIA)Prolactin (RIA)Prostate Specific Antigen / PSA (IRMA)Testosterone (RIA)Thyroglobulin (IRMA)Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH/IRMA)Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody / TRAb (RIA) [/group]
[group eye-center-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Argon laser photocoagulationBasic Eye ExamBiometry ImmersionFluorescein angiographyFocal LaserFundus/Disc photographyGlaucoma PackageIOL MasterIridoplasty / GonioplastyOptical and A scan biometerOptical coherence tomographyPachymetryRemoval of Corneal Foreign BodyRemoval of Foreign Body – Lacrimal PassageRetinal PackageVisual Field PerimetryYAG CapsulotomyYAG laser Iridotomy [/group]
[group ears-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Auditory Brainstem ResponseAuditory Steady- State Response (ASSR)Hearing Instrument EvaluationOtoacoustic EmissionPlay AudiometryPure tone AudiometrySoft and Earmould / EarplugSpeech AudiometryTypanometerVestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP)Videonystagmography (VNG) [/group]
[group throat-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Speech evaluation / Therapy [/group]
[group eeg-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—EG – RoutineEG - Sleep-deprivedrolong EEG (1, 2, 6 and 12 hours) [/group]
[group emg-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAER/BAEP)EMG-NCV of the Lower LimbsEMG-NCV of the Upper LimbsExtended EMG-NCVRepetitive Nerve Stimulation StudiesSomatosensory Evoked Potential - Median NerveSomatosensory Evoked Potential - Posterior Tibial Nerve [/group]
[group nicl-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—2D Echo (2D Echo Plain, Pedia and 2D Doppler)Ambulatory Blood Pressure MonitoringDobutamine Stress EchocardiogramElectrocardiogramHolter MonitoringTrans-Esophageal EchocardiogramTreadmill Stress EchocardiogramTreadmill Stress TestAnkle Brachial IndexArterial Duplex Scan (Lower and Upper Extremities)Carotid Duplex ScanDeep Venous Thrombosis ScreeningVenous Duplex Scan (Lower and Upper Extremities) [/group]
[group ob-ultra-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)BiometryBiophysical Profile (BPS)BPS + Doppler Fetal/MaternalCongenital Anomaly Scan (CAS)Congenital Anomaly Scan TwinDoppler TwinDoppler VelocimetryFollicle MonitoringHSSG/SISHSingleton 3DSingleton 4DTransabdominal TwinTransabdominal Ultrasound – GynTransrectal UltrasoundTransvaginal + 3DTransvaginal Ultrasound – GyneTransvaginal Ultrasound 1st TrimesterTransvaginal with Doppler GyneTwin 3DTwin 4D [/group]
[group respiratory-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Arterial Blood Gasses (ABG)Chest PhysiotherapyCPAP/BIPAP machineIncentive spirometryIntermittent positive pressure breathingMechanical ventilator machineNasal high flow machinePeak Flow meterPulmonary function test (Pre/Post Bronchodilator)Sputum Induction [/group]
[group rehab-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—Cardiac RehabilitationHome CareInterventional Musculoskeletal UltrasoundOccupational Therapy (OT)Physical Therapy (PT)Tele-Rehab [/group]
[group stone-select clear_on_hide] Select Service —Please choose an option—ESWLUroflowmetry [/group]
Select Time08:00 AM09:00 AM10:00 AM11:00 AM12:00 NN01:00 PM02:00 PM03:00 PM04:00 PM05:00 PM
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Address: Quezon Avenue Cor. Scout Magbanua Street, Quezon City, Philippines, 1103 View Location Map
Trunkline: (02) 8372-3825 or 5318-5100 (02) 5318-5100 | 0919-0691890 to 92 Care Concierge: (+639) 919-069-1890 to 91
Address: No. 4 Sto. Domingo Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1100 (Across Capitol Medical Center) View Location Map